BALL HOCKEY SHOE SOLES THAT DEFY THE WET. DOMINATE THE GAME. Special rain sole designed to provide unparalleled adherence even in the slickest conditions. Stretchable upper, crafted to accommodate most sport shoes, ensuring your favorite pair gets the protection it needs. Engineered for ease, these overshoes slip effortlessly over most Knapper shoes. STAY AHEAD OF THE ELEMENTS Rain or shine, your performance should remain uncompromised. With AK5 Rain Overshoes, stride with confidence knowing you have that extra edge. These overshoes promise to be the unsung heroes of your athletic arsenal. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY Why let the rain dictate your game? With AK5 Rain Overshoes, you’re not just protecting your shoes but ensuring that your performance remains unyielding. Equip yourself with the best, and never let a rainy day hold you back again.